Mesos-Compose CLI Usage

The Mesos-Compose framework does support the new version of mesos-cli.

The following parameters are currently supported:

mesos-cli compose help
Interacts with the Mesos-Compose Framework

  mesos compose (-h | --help)
  mesos compose --version
  mesos compose <command> (-h | --help)
  mesos compose [options] <command> [<args>...]

  -h --help  Show this screen.
  --version  Show version info.

  info     Get information about the running Mesos compose framework.
  kill     Kill Mesos compose workload
  launch   Launch Mesos workload from compose file
  list     Show all running tasks.
  restart  Restart service
  update   Update service from compose file
  version  Get the version number of Mesos compose

Launch Workload

To launch workload, you need a compose file.

mesos-cli compose launch
Launch Mesos workload from compose file

  mesos compose launch (-h | --help)
  mesos compose launch --version
  mesos compose launch [options] <framework-name> <project> <compose-file>

  -h --help  Show this screen.

  Launch Mesos workload from compose file


mesos compose launch mc allwebserver docs/example/test-http.yaml 

  • mc is the Mesos registration name of the framework.
  • allwebserver is the project name. We can also see it as subcategory.

Update Workload

To launch workload, you need a compose file.

mesos-cli compose update
Update service from compose file

  mesos compose update (-h | --help)
  mesos compose update --version
  mesos compose update [options] <framework-name> <project> <compose-file>

  -h --help  Show this screen.

  Update service from compose file


mesos compose update mc allwebserver test1 docs/example/test-http.yaml 

  • mc is the Mesos registration name of the framework.
  • allwebserver is the project name. We can also see it as subcategory.
  • test1 is the service name of the container we defined in our compose file.

Restart Workload

To launch workload, you need a compose file.

mesos-cli compose restart
Restart service

  mesos compose restart (-h | --help)
  mesos compose restart --version
  mesos compose restart [options] <framework-name> <project> <service>

  -h --help  Show this screen.

  Restart service


mesos compose restart mc allwebserver test1 

  • mc is the Mesos registration name of the framework.
  • allwebserver is the project name. We can also see it as subcategory.
  • test1 is the service name of the container we defined in our compose file.

Kill Workload

Kill running or staled workload managed by Mesos-Compose.

mesos compose kill
Kill Mesos compose workload

  mesos compose kill (-h | --help)
  mesos compose kill --version
  mesos compose kill [options] <framework-name> <project> <service> 

  -h --help  Show this screen.

  Kill Mesos compose workload


mesos compose kill mc allwebserver test1

  • mc is the Mesos registration name of the framework.
  • allwebserver is the project name. We can also see it as subcategory.
  • test1 is the service name of the container we defined in our compose file.