M3s CLI Usage

The M3s framework does support the new version of mesos-cli.

The following parameters are currently supported:

mesos m3s

Interacts with the Kubernetes Framework M3s

  mesos m3s (-h | --help)
  mesos m3s --version
  mesos m3s <command> (-h | --help)
  mesos m3s [options] <command> [<args>...]

  -h --help  Show this screen.
  --version  Show version info.

  kubeconfig  Get kubernetes configuration file
  list        Show list of running M3s frameworks
  scale       Scale up/down the Manager or Agent of Kubernetes
  status      Get out live status information
  version     Get the version number of Kubernetes

List all M3s frameworks

mesos m3s list

ID                                         Active  WebUI                    Name
2f0fc78c-bf81-4fe0-8720-e27ba217adae-0004  True    http://andreas-pc:10000  m3s

Get the kubeconfig from the running m3s framework

mesos m3s kubeconfig 2f0fc78c-bf81-4fe0-8720-e27ba217adae-0004

Scale up/down Kubernetes services

We can scale up/down several Kubernetes services.

mesos m3s scale
Scale up/down the Manager or Agent of Kubernetes

  mesos m3s scale (-h | --help)
  mesos m3s scale --version
  mesos m3s scale [options] <framework-id> <count>

  -a --agent    Scale up/down Kubernetes agents
  -e --etcd     Scale up/down etcd
  -h --help     Show this screen.
  -m --manager  Scale up/down Kubernetes manager

The "count" is the number of how many instances of the selected service should run.

As example:

 mesos m3s scale --agent 2f0fc78c-bf81-4fe0-8720-e27ba217adae-0004 2

M3s Status overview

The status command support two different flags.

mesos m3s status
Get out live status information

  mesos m3s status (-h | --help)
  mesos m3s status --version
  mesos m3s status [options] <framework-id>

  -h --help        Show this screen.
  -k --kubernetes  Give out the Kubernetes status.
  -m --m3s         Give out the M3s status.

  Get out live status information

--kubernetes (in developing) will give out the stats of the kubernetes environment.

--m3s Show the current status of the M3s services.

mesos m3s status -m 2f0fc78c-bf81-4fe0-8720-e27ba217adae-0004