M3s - Apache Mesos Kubernetes Framework


M3s is a Golang based Apache Mesos Framework to run and deploy Kubernetes through K3s from Rancher.


  • Apache Mesos min 1.6.0
  • Mesos with SSL and Authentication is optional
  • Persistent Storage to store Kubernetes data

How To use

Before we can run the following M3s example, we have to creat a docker network.

docker network create --subnet mini

Afte that, we can create a docker-compose file to run the services we need.

version: '3'
    image: redis
    image: avhost/mesos-m3s:master
    depends: redis
    - LOGLEVEL="debug"
    - DOMAIN=.mini
    - DOCKER_CNI=mini
    - REDIS_SERVER=redis.mini:6379
    - K3S_TOKEN=l9WpVPQQw2sfNQRbxJDXjZx61wMpXDaB
    - VOLUME_K3S_SERVER="local_k3sserver"
    - AUTH_USERNAME=user
    - AUTH_PASSWORD=password
      - 10000

After that, we can execute docker-compose in the same directory where we have created our compose file.

docker compose up

If Kubernetes is running inside of M3s, we can export the kubeconfig file with our mesos-cli or with a simple API call.

curl -k -X GET

No we can use kubectl and all other Kubernetes specified commands.

kubectl get nodes
NAME                     STATUS   ROLES                  AGE   VERSION
m3sserver.mini           Ready    control-plane,master   18h   v1.24.4+k3s1
m3sagent.mini-8aee249f   Ready    <none>                 17h   v1.24.4+k3s1




Kubernetes Dashboard

Get the token and start the proxy.

kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard create token admin-user
kubectl proxy

And then open the browser:




kubectl port-forward $(kubectl get pods --selector "app.kubernetes.io/name=traefik" --output=name -n kube-system) -n kube-system 9000:9000



The following environment variables are available:

FRAMEWORK_USERrootFramework user used in Apache Mesos
FRAMEWORK_NAMEm3sName of the framework in Apache Mesos but also used as Redis prefix
FRAMEWORK_ROLEm3sFramework role used in Apache Mesos
FRAMEWORK_PORT10000Port these framework is listening
FRAMEWORK_HOSTNAME${HOSTNAME}The frameworks hostname
MESOS_USERNAMEUsername to authenticate against Mesos
MESOS_PASSWORDPassword to authenticate against Mesos
MESOS_MASTER127.0.0.1:5050Adress of the Mesos Master. If you use mesos-dns, use leader.mesos
MESOS_CNIMesos CNI M3s should use
MESOS_SSLfalseEnable SSL for the communication to the Mesos Master
PORTRANGE_FROM31000Set the portrange, M3s is suposed to use for the container outside of K8
LOGLEVELinfoInformation Level (info, warn, error, debug)
DOCKER_CNIbrideIf we do not use Mesos CNI, we can also use docker network
DOCKER_SOCKThe docker sock file
DOCKER_SHM_SIZE30gbSize of dockers shared memory
DOMAIN.localThe domain of the hostnames. As example, if you use weave cni, it would be weave.local
AUTH_USERNAMEUsername to authenticate against these framework
AUTH_PASSWORDPassword to authenticate against these framework
K3S_TOKEN123456789K8 token for the bootstrap
K3S_CUSTOM_DOMAINcloud.localThe network Domain we will use for the K3s cni
K3S_SERVER_STRING/usr/local/bin/k3s server --cluster-cidr= --service-cidr= --cluster-dns= --kube-controller-manager-arg='leader-elect=false' --disable-cloud-controller --kube-scheduler-arg='leader-elect=false' --snapshotter=native --flannel-backend=vxlanThese is the string we will use to start the K3s server. M3s will add several other parameters.
K3S_SERVER_CPU0.1Resources for the K3s Server container
K3S_SERVER_CONSTRAINTTell Mesos to start the K3s server on this hostname
K3S_AGENT_STRING/usr/local/bin/k3s agent --snapshotter=native --flannel-backend=vxlanThese is the string we will use to start the K3s agent. M3s will add several other parameters.
K3S_AGENT_CPU0.1Resources for the K3s Agent container
K3S_AGENT_LABELS[{"key":"traefik.enable","value":"true"},{"key":"traefik.http.routers.m3s.entrypoints","value":"web"},{"key":"traefik.http.routers.m3s.service","value":"m3s-http"},{"key":"traefik.http.routers.m3s.rule","value":"HostRegexp(example.com, {subdomain:[a-z]+}.example.com)"}]Configure custom labels for the container. In these example, we will use lables for traefik.
REDIS_PASSWORDRedis Passwort for authentication
REDIS_SERVER127.0.0.1:6379Redis Server IP and port
BOOTSTRAP_URLhttps://raw.githubusercontent.com/AVENTER-UG/mesos-m3s/master/bootstrap/bootstrap.shBootstrap Script to pre configure the server/agent container
SKIP_SSLtrueSkip SSL Verification
SSL_CRT_BASE64<cat server.crtbase64 -w 0>
SSL_KEY_BASE64=<cat server.keybase64 -w 0>SSL Key Content as base64
K3S_DS_CONSTRAINTTell Mesos to start the datastore on this hostname
K3S_AGENT_COUNT1Amount of running K3s agents
K3S_AGENT_CONSTRAINTTell Mesos to start the K3s agent on that hostname
K3S_DOCKERtrueUse docker container as K8 runtime
DS_CPUResources for the datastore container
DS_PORT3306Datastore Portnumber
IMAGE_K3Savhost/ubuntu-m3sUbuntu M3s Docker Image
IMAGE_ETCDbitnami/etcdDocker Image for Etcd al Datastore
IMAGE_MYSQLmariadbDocker Image for MaraiDB as Datastore
VOLUME_DRIVERlocalVolume driver docker should use to handle the volume
VOLUME_K3S_SERVER/data/k3s/server/Volume name to persist the k3s server data
VOLUME_DS/data/k3s/datastore/Volume name to persists the datastore data
HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL15sCheck the state every 'n seconds

M3s CLI Installation for Mesos-CLI

If you do not already have installe the mesos cli, please follow the steps under "Install Mesos-CLI" first.

The installation of the M3s plugin for mesos-cli is done in few steps.

First, edit the mesos-cli config file.

vim .mesos/config.toml

Add the absolute path of the plugin into the plugin array:

# The `plugins` array lists the absolute paths of the
# plugins you want to add to the CLI.
plugins = [

  principal = "<framework username>"
  secret = "<framework password>"

Now we will see the M3s plugin in mesos cli:

mesos help
Mesos CLI

  mesos (-h | --help)
  mesos --version
  mesos <command> [<args>...]

  -h --help  Show this screen.
  --version  Show version info.

  agent   Interacts with the Mesos agents
  config  Interacts with the Mesos CLI configuration file
  m3s     Interacts with the Kubernetes Framework M3s
  task    Interacts with the tasks running in a Mesos cluster

Install Mesos-CLI

Download the mesos-cli binary for linux from here. Extract the mesos-cli and copy the file into your PATH directory.

M3s CLI Usage

The M3s framework does support the new version of mesos-cli.

The following parameters are currently supported:

mesos m3s

Interacts with the Kubernetes Framework M3s

  mesos m3s (-h | --help)
  mesos m3s --version
  mesos m3s <command> (-h | --help)
  mesos m3s [options] <command> [<args>...]

  -h --help  Show this screen.
  --version  Show version info.

  kubeconfig  Get kubernetes configuration file
  list        Show list of running M3s frameworks
  scale       Scale up/down the Manager or Agent of Kubernetes
  status      Get out live status information
  version     Get the version number of Kubernetes

List all M3s frameworks

mesos m3s list

ID                                         Active  WebUI                    Name
2f0fc78c-bf81-4fe0-8720-e27ba217adae-0004  True    http://andreas-pc:10000  m3s

Get the kubeconfig from the running m3s framework

mesos m3s kubeconfig 2f0fc78c-bf81-4fe0-8720-e27ba217adae-0004

Scale up/down Kubernetes services

We can scale up/down several Kubernetes services.

mesos m3s scale
Scale up/down the Manager or Agent of Kubernetes

  mesos m3s scale (-h | --help)
  mesos m3s scale --version
  mesos m3s scale [options] <framework-id> <count>

  -a --agent    Scale up/down Kubernetes agents
  -e --etcd     Scale up/down etcd
  -h --help     Show this screen.
  -m --manager  Scale up/down Kubernetes manager

The "count" is the number of how many instances of the selected service should run.

As example:

 mesos m3s scale --agent 2f0fc78c-bf81-4fe0-8720-e27ba217adae-0004 2

M3s Status overview

The status command support two different flags.

mesos m3s status
Get out live status information

  mesos m3s status (-h | --help)
  mesos m3s status --version
  mesos m3s status [options] <framework-id>

  -h --help        Show this screen.
  -k --kubernetes  Give out the Kubernetes status.
  -m --m3s         Give out the M3s status.

  Get out live status information

--kubernetes (in developing) will give out the stats of the kubernetes environment.

--m3s Show the current status of the M3s services.

mesos m3s status -m 2f0fc78c-bf81-4fe0-8720-e27ba217adae-0004

Kubectl Usage with M3s

There are a lot of website abotu "how to use kubectl". Therefore we will only describe how to use it together with M3s.

First of all, we need the kubernetes config. To get it, we have to use the mesos-cli. M3s can run multiple times, thats why we have to choose the right M3s framework.

mesos m3s list

ID                                         Active  WebUI                    Name
2f0fc78c-bf81-4fe0-8720-e27ba217adae-0004  True    http://m3sframeworkserver:10000  m3s

With the framework ID, we can get out the kubernetes config.

mesos m3s kubeconfig 2f0fc78c-bf81-4fe0-8720-e27ba217adae-0004 > .kube/config

Let us have a look into the config file.

cat .kube/config

apiVersion: v1
- cluster:
    certificate-authority-data: <DATA>
    server: https://<MESOS-WORKER>:31862
  name: default
- context:
    cluster: default
    user: default
  name: default
current-context: default
kind: Config
preferences: {}

The config file include the certificate to authenticate against the kubernetes cluster, and also the server URL. Like you see, the server URL is one of the Mesos Agents with a dynamic port.

With these config file, we can use kubernetes as we know it.

As example:

kubectl get nodes

NAME                             STATUS   ROLES                  AGE   VERSION
k3sagent0.weave.local-b5d0de31   Ready    <none>                 40m   v1.21.1+k3s1
k3sserver.weave.local            Ready    control-plane,master   42m   v1.21.1+k3s1

In our case, we use weaveworks as container network under Mesos, thats why the names of the kubernetes nodes contain a "weave.local" domain. Basically, M3s can run under every container network. But it's important that the names of the containers are resolvable.

Now let us have a look which Kubernetes services are running by default.

kubectl get svc --all-namespaces

NAMESPACE              NAME                        TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP               PORT(S)                      AGE
default                kubernetes                  ClusterIP       <none>                    443/TCP                      47m
kube-system            kube-dns                    ClusterIP      <none>                    53/UDP,53/TCP,9153/TCP       46m
kube-system            metrics-server              ClusterIP   <none>                    443/TCP                      46m
kube-system            traefik                     LoadBalancer,       80:31455/TCP,443:31347/TCP   44m
kubernetes-dashboard   dashboard-metrics-scraper   ClusterIP   <none>                    8000/TCP                     47m
kubernetes-dashboard   kubernetes-dashboard        ClusterIP     <none>                    443/TCP                      47m

Scale up/down Kubernetes Service

To scale Kubernetes services, we have to call the following API. <count> is the number of all running processes.

curl -X GET -u <username>:<password><server|agent|etcd>/scale/<count>

Show count of running Kubernetes Servers/Agents

To get out information about the current running and/or expected Kubernetes Servers/Agents, we can do the following call.

curl -X GET -u <username>:<password><server|agent>/scale

Get Kubeconfig

Get out the kubernetes config file

curl -X GET -u <username>:<password>

Get Kubernetes Version

Get out the kubernetes version

curl -X GET -u <username>:<password>

Get status of the M3s services

Get out the M3s status information

curl -X GET -u <username>:<password>

Create NGINX ingress with traefik in M3S

With these example we will create a nginx Webserver and publish the Website with the traefik 2.x ingress.

kubectl create  -f nginx.yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: nginx-deployment
  namespace: default
    app: nginx
      app: nginx
  replicas: 1
        app: nginx
      - name: nginx
        image: nginx:1.14.2
          - name: web
            containerPort: 80
kubectl create  -f nginx-service.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: nginx-service

    - protocol: TCP
      name: web
      port: 80
    app: nginx

kubectl create  -f nginx-traefik.yaml
apiVersion: traefik.containo.us/v1alpha1
kind: IngressRoute
  name: nginx-traefik
  namespace: default
    - web
  - match: Host(`your.example.com`)
    kind: Rule
    - name: nginx-service
      port: 80

In the traefik Dasboard we will see our new rule:

kubectl port-forward $(kubectl get pods --selector "app.kubernetes.io/name=traefik" --output=name -n kube-system) -n kube-system 9000:9000


Now we can try to access nginx via traefik. First, we have to know the port of the k3sagent.

dig _http._k3sagent._tcp.m3s.mesos SRV

; <<>> DiG 9.11.4-P2-RedHat-9.11.4-26.P2.el7_9.3 <<>> _http._k3sagent._tcp.m3s.mesos SRV
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 4134
;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

;_http._k3sagent._tcp.m3s.mesos.	IN	SRV

_http._k3sagent._tcp.m3s.mesos.	60 IN	SRV	0 1 31863 k3sagent-kzk51-s0.m3s.mesos.

k3sagent-kzk51-s0.m3s.mesos. 60	IN	A

;; Query time: 2 msec
;; WHEN: Wed Aug 04 09:08:47 UTC 2021
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 111

As we can see, the port is 31863 for the port 80. The agents IP is If we have multiple k3sagents, we will see all IP adresses.

These IP adress we have to add into the /etc/hosts file. your.example.com

Now we can access nginx:

curl -vvv your.example.com:31863

Containerd sideload configuration

M3s is a high flexible mesos framework. The decision to use a bootstap script give us the possibility to change the default configuration of K3s. These feature is important if we need access to a private insecure container registry. The following steps should be a example how to use it.

  1. Create a repository with a copy of the official bootstrap.sh
  2. In the same repository, create a config.toml.tmpl file with the following content:
  path = "/var/lib/rancher/k3s/agent/containerd"

  stream_server_address = ""
  stream_server_port = "10010"
  enable_selinux = false
  sandbox_image = "rancher/pause:3.1"

  disable_snapshot_annotations = true
  snapshotter = "native"

  bin_dir = "/var/lib/rancher/k3s/data/current/bin"
  conf_dir = "/var/lib/rancher/k3s/agent/etc/cni/net.d"

  runtime_type = "io.containerd.runc.v2"


insecure_skip_verify = true

  1. In the K3SFRAMEWORK_TYPE == "agent" section, we will add the following lines:
curl http://<MY_GIT_REPO>/m3sbootstrap/config.toml.tmpl > $MESOS_SANDBOX/config.toml.tmpl
mkdir /var/lib/rancher/k3s/containerd
cp $MESOS_SANDBOX/config.toml.tmpl /var/lib/ranger/k3s/containerd/
  1. Tell the M3s framework to use the custom bootstrap.sh.
export BOOTSTRAP_URL="http://<MY_GIT_REPO>/m3sbootstrap/bootstrap.sh"
  1. Done